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Jailbreak Beginner's Guide


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[Beginner's Guide for Jailbreak]


This is going to be a topic-based guide regarding what Jailbreak actually is, and the objective for both teams when playing it.
s mentioned on the title of this topic, this topic is meant for beginners to the gamemode.

Introduction to Jailbreak:

Jailbreak is an alternative gamemode first created for the "Counter-Strike" videogame series. In the gamemode, the terrorists are the Prisoners and the counter-terrorists are the Guards. As you might have guessed by the name of the gamemode, the gameplay happens in a prison. As such, the Prisoners have to listen and comply to the Guards' orders. If they don't, a Guard might kill them.
Each rounds is equal to a "day". In a normal day, the Guards (namely the Warden), has to command Prisoners and play games with them, with the objective to continue the gamestate and to entertain the Prisoners. The Prisoners, if they so desire, have the option to follow the Warden's orders, in order to be the last Prisoner alive and gain control of the prison. However, they can also attempt to make a revolution against the Guards and kill them, gaining control of the prison in that way. Keep in mind that you're risking your life by doing this, since the Guards can kill you at any time.
There are also special days, that are usually ran on Fridays in the in-game week, or whenever the Guards control a round, which allows them to make a Special Day, if they wish to do so. The list of some of the special days can be found here: https://lsgamerz.net/topic/10803-special-days-guide-rules/
Although the gamemode, in its essence, tends to be the same, every Jailbreak server has their own rules and code of conduct. Thus, even if you're an experienced Jailbreak player, we strongly recommend everyone to read the rules, in order to be familiarized with how the server operates.
The rules and "terms" for the Lost Souls' Jailbreak server can be found here: https://lsgamerz.net/topic/2972-jailbreak-rules-and-terms/

Player Objectives:

Prisoners- The objective of each prisoner is to be the last one standing in order to gain control of the prison and finally have the chance to duel the Guards and kill them. In order to make a duel, type /lr.
However, a Prisoner can also rebel against the guards and gain control of the prison that way. Keep in mind that you will risk your life doing this, since the Guards will most likely attempt to kill you for rebelling.

Guards- The Guards are responsible for controlling the day whilst entertaining the Prisoners at the same time.
The Warden is the one that commands the Prisoners via his microphone and must do elimination games until there's only 1 Prisoner left standing. He can do elimination games in multiple ways, but they're normally made by using either the Cage (Cage Games, a list of them can be found here: https://lsgamerz.net/topic/18530-jailbreak-list-of-cage-games/) or by using the games presented to him on the map.
All the other Guards, if present, must facilitate the Warden in his commands, and protect him and the other Guards from any kind of attacks.

TIP: If you're new to being a Warden or just a regular Guard, one of the best ways in how to be a good Guard is to pick up tidbits of other Guards you like the commands of and apply them to your own playstyle. This can be better positioning, better and more creative games, providing a higher level of entertainment, etc. Don't forget to add your own edge to your commanding, though. That's what makes you unique!

Final Remarks:

Jailbreak is a very fun gamemode for anyone, but it can definetely be confusing to pick up and play, if you're a first time player. This is why this topic exists, of course.
Hopefully this helped you out, and now you can get into any prison flawlessly (Not IRL, though. Please, not IRL)! Hope you all have some great rebels, great commands or just a great experience as a whole.

If you still need any kind of help, feel free to ask the Jailbreak staff! They'll be more than willing to help anyone get their feet wet with the gamemode and to have the best time possible!
Thank you all for reading.

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Discord: frosty#3964


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-|- UPDATE -|-

Complete rework of the topic, be it structurally (With a more topic based read), gramatically or with the addition of other topics previously posted for additional guidance to any beginner. Hope you guys enjoy the read!

Join the Jailbreak server to hop on the fun! Everyone is allowed, from greenhorns to "chicken turners"! IP:

Wanna talk about Jailbreak? DMs are open on both here and Discord (Username is Daarst)!


"It's all... A matter of opinion..." - LTJ Bukem

⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sfb1-QRxD_k  ⋆.˚✮🎧✮˚.⋆


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