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Zombie Plague Rules


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  • Sovereign Sentinels


1)  Be respectful to other players.

2)  Ghosting  (telling alive players where other players are located) is not allowed.

3)  Hacking or cheating of any kind is not allowed. (Leads in permanent ban)

4)  Advertising is not allowed.

5)  Racism is not tolerated.

6)  Spamming (chat / mic / radio) is not allowed.

7)  Inconvenient sprays  (Pornographic/Racist) is not allowed.

8) Using Scripts / Other Cheats, Macros, Hyperscroll to SGS/GS/Bhop, and techniques like BGS (Bhop-GS) is not allowed.




9)  Blocking other humans with Sandbangs is not allowed.

10) Using Lasermines to glitch shut is not allowed and can result in kick/slay/ban.

11) Self infection is not allowed, getting infected on purpose so you can kill humans isn't allowed , must buy T-Virus.

12) Using lasermine to glitch yourself or someone else out of a spot or escape zombie is not allowed.

13) Don't use T-Virus to infect others and give yourself an Antidote, without dying first as a Zombie!

14) Humans are not allowed to get into unreachable places / and to put lasermine , sandbags that can't be broken by the Zombie!

15) Players not allowed to use any kind weapon in the Tag Mode.


14) Trucing (Blocking other zombies to cover the humans to farm/earn score) is not allowed.

15) Camping as of blocking doors to help humans from infect is not allowed.

16) Holding Grudged / Using infection bomb / Wasting it every round on a particular player (purposely targetting them) is not allowed. You may use it on them only 3 times a map. Otherwise it's a banneable offense.

17) Buying an Infection bomb and wasting it over a wall (mostly to let some of your friends camp freely or disturb others) is not allowed.

18) Players are not allowed to camp in Cannibal mode.

19) Zombies aren't allowed to exit a duct once they have entered if there are humans inside it.

20) Zombies MUST try to attack humans regardless of the current map / mode.


21) VIP players can't give VIP weapons to other players.


22) Blocking is not allowed.

23) Players aren't allowed to be afk more than (5-10 minutes), More than that will result in being kicked by admins

24) If any player is detected for using Auto Attack while being afk farming PFG (play for gift) points, he'll be (slain/Kicked/Banned)

The Admin team reserve the right to punish players if deemed necessary, even if it is for something
not specifically stated here. If you have a question concerning the rules, please contact the Staff Management.

Note: Breaking any rules written here will lead to a punishment.


Lost Souls Management.

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Lost Souls Management.


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  • Sovereign Sentinels

Added rule 23 and 24

23) Holding Grudges / Using infection bomb / Wasting it every round on a particular player (purposely targeting them) is not allowed. You may use it on them only 3 times a map. Otherwise it's a bannable offense. 

24) Buying an Infection bomb and wasting it over a wall (mostly to let some of your friends camp freely or disturb others)  is not allowed

@ Members @Trial Admin @Server Admin @Trial Demo Reviewer @Demo Reviewer @Server Manager @Staff

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For Questions/Reports PM me on discord

Lost Souls Management.


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  • 2 months later...
  • Lost Souls
On 4/19/2021 at 10:40 AM, Phoenix said:


8) Admins MUST wait atleast 3 rounds before making another special mode.


Update : Rule number 8 has been changed from "Admins MUST wait atleast 6 rounds before making another special mode" Back toAdmins MUST wait atleast  3 rounds before making another special mode ", 

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  • R&D
On 4/19/2021 at 10:40 AM, Phoenix said:

14) Admins can make nemesis in dragon, and nightcrawler mode, but cannot make more than "2" nemesis.

Update: Rule has been changed from "Admins can make nemesis in dragon, and nightcrawler mode, but cannot make more than "2" nemesis" to "Admins are only allowed to add nemesis in dragon, nightcrawler and nemesis mode."

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  • R&D
On 4/19/2021 at 10:40 AM, Phoenix said:

Only applies to the alive zombies that were either in multiple or single infection during the beginning of the round. Once either one of them dies, the game will detect them as normal spawned zombies and will not be count as the 1st or 2nd infected zombie.

Updated: First and Second zombies won’t be able to use antidote during all the round , even if they died.

@ Member @Admin @Trial Demo Reviewer @Demo Reviewer @Server Assistant @Manager

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Rule 26: Players are not allowed to camp neither in Tag nor in Cannibal modes.


Modified to: Players are not allowed to camp in Cannibal mode.


Rule 25: fixed

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  • R&D


Rule #1414) Climbing to an unreachable spot using Climb Zombie and then antidoting is not allowed.

Modified to: 14) Players are not allowed to get into unreachable places.

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  • Supervisor

Added rule 23.

If Any player will be afk for more than 4 minutes , He will be kicked from the server by admins

Added rule 24.

If any player is detected for using Auto attack whlie being afk farming PFG points[Play for gift] will be (Slain/Kicked/Banned) and his pfg points will be taken away.

@ Member @ZP TEAM @lfZpEDP.gifDonator@ Registered User

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Zombie Plague Rules Updated. / 2024-07-01

On 4/19/2021 at 5:40 PM, Phoenix said:

14) Humans are not allowed to get into unreachable places / and to put lasermine , sandbags that can't be broken by the Zombie!

15) Players not allowed to use any kind weapon in the Tag Mode.

Dont be disadbantaged by the Update rules.

ps, the rules can be edit in the future, so read them often.



@ZP TEAM @ Member @lfZpEDP.gifDonator

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