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Bugged Maps ZM / ZE / DD2 / CTF / ZI / JB


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Hello Everyone  , 



I Noticed There is some maps Bugged in some of the servers and some players abuse  these bugs / exploits , instead of reporting it.

For Example, I played yesterday in zm server and someone was using the lasermine placing it  somewhere which makes it unbreakable     [ behind glass  / unreachable places ] for zombies  and im sure there is many other  bugs are there in other maps but i need the  @Server Manager @Server Admin @Trial Admin @Head Admin  to  be focused as yesterday 2 ppl kept abusing the bug and i had to slay them myself.



Anyways If You See Anyone using Map only bug / exploits use this Format  so we can resolve  it with our team 





Which Server ( Be Specific ) [ ZM / ZE / ZI / DD2 .. etc ] :

Which Map ( Must include specific map name ) :

What is the Bug / Exploits ( Explain the problem):

Proof  ( Screenshot / Pictures / Demos ):





This is  made for the server manager & admins  members are also welcome to participate 



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-L|S- Amine~pro~

Which Server ( Be Specific ) [ ZM / ZE / ZI / DD2 .. etc ] :


Which Map ( Must include specific map name ) :


What is the Bug / Exploits ( Explain the problem):

map crash when try to join even when deleted the maps files and re-download it by the server

Proof  ( Screenshot / Pictures / Demos ):

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Discord : Amine#9092


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  • Sovereign Sentinels
5 hours ago, AMINE pro said:


-L|S- Amine~pro~

Which Server ( Be Specific ) [ ZM / ZE / ZI / DD2 .. etc ] :


Which Map ( Must include specific map name ) :


What is the Bug / Exploits ( Explain the problem):

map crash when try to join even when deleted the maps files and re-download it by the server

Proof  ( Screenshot / Pictures / Demos ):


I disabled that map.

Thank you for your report.

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For Questions/Reports PM me on discord

Lost Souls Management.


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  • Co-Owner

InGame-Name: Hatred-

Which Server ( Be Specific ) [ ZM / ZE / ZI / DD2 .. etc ] : Zombie Plague

Which Map ( Must include specific map name ) : zm_ls_cubeworld_mini

What is the Bug / Exploits ( Explain the problem): When a player move to the upper part, he block the zombie  ( without intention ) and zombie cant move , i shouldn't punish the player of unintentional bug but the zm cant attack him

Proof  ( Screenshot / Pictures / Demos ):  bugzmcuber.dem

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Any inquiries,           
PM me by discord,
Mojiey #6612


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On 3/17/2021 at 6:36 PM, Hatred- said:

InGame-Name: Hatred-

Which Server ( Be Specific ) [ ZM / ZE / ZI / DD2 .. etc ] : Zombie Plague

Which Map ( Must include specific map name ) : zm_ls_cubeworld_mini

What is the Bug / Exploits ( Explain the problem): When a player move to the upper part, he block the zombie  ( without intention ) and zombie cant move , i shouldn't punish the player of unintentional bug but the zm cant attack him

Proof  ( Screenshot / Pictures / Demos ):   bugzmcuber.dem 1.56 MB · 1 download

agreed @FrozeNcan u disable this map too ?

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  • 6 months later...

InGame-Name: bluestockWhich  Server ( Be Specific ) [ ZM / ZE / ZI / DD2 .. etc ] : zombie invasion Which Map ( Must include specific map name ) : zm_ls dark 

What is the Bug / Exploits ( Explain the problem): When I attack the player does not turn into a zombie because he is getting a bug and I cannot kill him

Proof  ( Screenshot Pictures / Demos ): 



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  • Co-Owner
14 hours ago, kevincr said:

InGame-Name: bluestockWhich  Server ( Be Specific ) [ ZM / ZE / ZI / DD2 .. etc ] : zombie invasion Which Map ( Must include specific map name ) : zm_ls dark 

What is the Bug / Exploits ( Explain the problem): When I attack the player does not turn into a zombie because he is getting a bug and I cannot kill him

Proof  ( Screenshot Pictures / Demos ): 


bug.dem 938.97 kB · 0 downloads

We are aware of this bug, we will be replacing the map soon, thank you for reporting

Any inquiries,           
PM me by discord,
Mojiey #6612


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  • 1 year later...

InGame-Name: Newbie

Which Server ( Be Specific ) [ ZM / ZE / ZI / DD2 .. etc ] : ZE

Which Map ( Must include specific map name ) : ze_ls_assaulting_fix

What is the Bug / Exploits ( Explain the problem):The humans can spawn either at the end of the map (kill switch) or midpoint (kill switch) but also the midway switch shouldn't instakill everyone. (Spawn points are horrendous.) Kill switch means once the button is pressed, everyone dies instantly.

Proof  ( Screenshot Pictures / Demos ): Spawns either in front of bunker near midway button or in front of end building which contains escape button. I was trying to put up a map vote so did not take screenshots. Admin Paola and  Admin ALQRSAN were there where half the rounds were instadeath for all. Please remove from rotation until it's actually fixed. Thanks.


Edited by Newbie
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  • 2 weeks later...

InGame-Name: Newbie

Which Server ( Be Specific ) [ ZM / ZE / ZI / DD2 .. etc ] : ZE

Which Map ( Must include specific map name ) : ZE_Dust_Escape_v1

What is the Bug / Exploits ( Explain the problem):
VIP Double Jump over first defend point  causing early activation of 2nd defend point. Most times Zombies can not catch up.

Proof  ( Screenshot Pictures / Demos ):


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InGame-Name: Newbie

Which Server ( Be Specific ) [ ZM / ZE / ZI / DD2 .. etc ] : ZE

Which Map ( Must include specific map name ) : ze_unknown_area_dpfix

What is the Bug / Exploits ( Explain the problem):

Double jump over the defend point into portal to activate the other defend point early

Proof  ( Screenshot Pictures / Demos ):


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