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Banned for moving commands flooding? What Even Is That?

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Hello, so earlier today I was playing ZP like I normally do then suddenly, this one guy by the name of  -L|S- ^$ErD@R^, bugged me out of the camp spot by placing a landmine directly under my feet, causing me to go outside and become infected. Now I proceeded to flame the guy to the best of my rage because what he did to me was scummy and it killed all my fun. A couple seconds later, my screen kept freezing, I couldn't move, couldn't type, all players were frozen on air, and then boom, I was out. I opened my console and I was greeted with this message. 

Banned for burst of move commands? What even is that? What does that mean? I've played CS for more than a decade, almost 5 years in your server and I'VE NEVER BEEN BANNED BEFORE, let alone with a stupid reason like this. 

Now It is my theory that the guy I mentioned at the top did something on his end to affect my line of communication with the server, causing it to misconstrue my actions as "bursting" and banning me thereafter, as a form of revenge against my earlier tirades towards his unsavory actions against me. 

Now I can't prove this but I've played enough online games to know and understand that this can happen, this can be "spoofed". 

In any case, I'd like to request to be unbanned and have this nonsense reason be investigated further to prevent it from happening ever again. 

Nobody should be "spoofed" out of the server like what this guy did to me. Again I cannot prove that but it is an intuitive reason I will not let go for now.

Thank you to any admins who can help about this.


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Move command burst is a ban done by the server and not by the admin. You've probably been spamming buttons when you got glitched out of the map making the server itself ban you temporarily. Anyway exiting cs and entering again should fix your problem. As for the donor-admin intentionally placing LM under you, well. A screenshot proof or something would've been nice to have but will take a look at him, hes been reported countless of times and will see if he should keep his privileges or not.

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1 hour ago, Wilano said:

Move command burst is a ban done by the server and not by the admin. You've probably been spamming buttons when you got glitched out of the map making the server itself ban you temporarily. Anyway exiting cs and entering again should fix your problem. As for the donor-admin intentionally placing LM under you, well. A screenshot proof or something would've been nice to have but will take a look at him, hes been reported countless of times and will see if he should keep his privileges or not.

Hello Wilano, thank you for you response. Like you said my ban is gone now and I'm able to play the game as usual. Yes please take a closer look at that player because like you said he has been reported multiple times already. Again thank you for responding.

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  • R&D
16 hours ago, Customer Service Representative said:

Hello, so earlier today I was playing ZP like I normally do then suddenly, this one guy by the name of  -L|S- ^$ErD@R^, bugged me out of the camp spot by placing a landmine directly under my feet, causing me to go outside and become infected. Now I proceeded to flame the guy to the best of my rage because what he did to me was scummy and it killed all my fun. A couple seconds later, my screen kept freezing, I couldn't move, couldn't type, all players were frozen on air, and then boom, I was out. I opened my console and I was greeted with this message. 

Banned for burst of move commands? What even is that? What does that mean? I've played CS for more than a decade, almost 5 years in your server and I'VE NEVER BEEN BANNED BEFORE, let alone with a stupid reason like this. 

Now It is my theory that the guy I mentioned at the top did something on his end to affect my line of communication with the server, causing it to misconstrue my actions as "bursting" and banning me thereafter, as a form of revenge against my earlier tirades towards his unsavory actions against me. 

Now I can't prove this but I've played enough online games to know and understand that this can happen, this can be "spoofed". 

In any case, I'd like to request to be unbanned and have this nonsense reason be investigated further to prevent it from happening ever again. 

Nobody should be "spoofed" out of the server like what this guy did to me. Again I cannot prove that but it is an intuitive reason I will not let go for now.

Thank you to any admins who can help about this.


Sometimes happen when your ping is too high, resulting into unstable gameplay resulting into glitches.



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