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Player Trail


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  • R&D

I want to introduce to you, the trail system suggested by me.


The trail system has different varieties of trails from styles to colors, and will only be used for Admins, Donators/VIPS and etc.


The reason why the trail system is limited for everyone is to avoid lag's with the people itself and will not be abused by all (On the plugin I am going to give, it is not part of the trail system itself. If you could edit the plugin for Admins, Donators/VIPS and etc.)


To execute a certain trail, here is an example.


say: trail 9 green


Note: the "9" consist on a specific type of a trail from 1-12, and the "green" is a type of color which is used on the trail. to execute it we are simply to say it on the chat, not on the console.


Here is the plugin and with all valid colors.






Hope this gets added.....








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