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I Lost my ammo and level

Mr .Monir

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Hello Guys :)

Sorry for bothering you, but I got a problem after I changed my computer windows and all my level and ammo disappeared, and I thought for level 5 and 2 thousand ammo

Name In game = Mr .Monir

New ID = VALVE_5:1:303183854

Vidou = 


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Post here your new Valve ID, your in-game nickname, and your proof about your words please as i told you...

when u join to our server, type status into the console (u will open console by a key under the Esc, it is ;)
and find your line with your name, and your Valve ID, then copy your whole ID and type other things, like screen with your aps, exps...

APs given, old account banned.

Closed / Moved.

Arrogance can never be justified. It is the result of either low self-esteem or temporary and superficial achievements." - Dalai Lama

Feel free to PM me with your demo to review. 

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