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[ZP] Admin Rules


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1) Admins are not allowed to set glow on normal players.

2) Admins are not allowed to respawn dead players when it's last human.

3) Admins are not allowed to stay AFK in spectator when the server is FULL unless spectating a hacker or enforcing rules.

4) Admins are not allowed to make Mode for themselves unless it's voted for.  Admins are also not allowed to make modes MID ROUND or turn zombies to humans and vice versa!

5) Admins are not allowed to use amx commands on another Admins ( Slap / Slay / Kick / Grab / etc.)

6) Admins are not allowed to spam white/red hud announcement. These are to be used only when announcing something to the players or warning them.   

7) Admins MUST make a vote before starting mode, changing map or making a nemesis: do not make a vote every round!

NOTE : Only 1 Nemesis can be added in Nemesis / Nightcrawler / Dragon Mode !


amx_vote "add nemesis?" "yes" "no"

  • Admins can only add Nemesis in Nemesis Mode and Dragon Mode.
  • Admins must respect the other player. Before making a vote, you MUST ask the player if he needs help. If he saysNOthen NO 2nd nemesis or 2nd boss. If he is visibly a noob and doesnt know anything, you are free to make a 2nd nemesis WHEN THE CLOCK HITS 3:00. NOT ANY EARLIER.
  • If result is YES, write a question, and first correct answer gets to become 2nd nemesis. Do correct questions, and watch who answers right carefully.
  • The answers of those who are already dead at the time of answering the question, don't have to be taken into account (only for alive humans).
  • Do not respawn dead players who answered the question right. You are allowed to respawn them if they answered the question while they were alive, but died before they are able to start nemesis.


8) Admins must wear the clan tag in-game, for example -L|S- , |LS|, etc...

9) Zombies that aren't trying:

  • 1st warning: Slap, if its near to the end of the round, slay. If the zombie is clearly AFK and not moving at all, KICK.
  • 2nd warning: Kick
  • 3rd warning: Ban for Not Trying/Rule Break.

10) Admins must follow the server rules just like any other player.

11) Admins must obey the orders of their superiors.

12) Admins must only punish a player if they see him break a server rule or if everyone is complaining about that specific player blocking or trucing, though use your better judgment if you are not actually seeing that happen.

13) Admins are only allowed to add nemesis in dragon, nightcrawler and nemesis mode.

14) 9 rule.

  • If the special mode is "random" the 10 second rule doesn't apply. If an admin is making a 2nd nemesis, the 2nd nemesis "always" has to wait 10 seconds before attacking and cannot block spot entrance or exit path. 

15) Admins are allowed to ban players who use Autobhop or Scripts if they have DEMO PROOFThe moment when the admin applies the command "forcejump" must also be recorded. 

16) Admins are not allowed to make vote for mode at the last round nor make modes in the first round.



The following applies to any Admin regardless of their rank:

1) You can set glow on another admin if he agrees.

2) Use ban as a last resource, first warn and use slap/slay/kick, unless its a known rule breaker/repeat offender.

3) Must avoid using csay/tsay as a chat or to say things that are not important.

4) If a player evade a temporary ban tell a Staff+, don't ban for "Ban Evader".

5) Please enforce English in mic only, free to type any language.

6) If there is a ban evader and they keep on coming back after they've been banned 3 times, ban them again and report it to staff members.

7) If a player is using any sort of scripts, then ban for one week as a warning ban. If they come back after the week and they continued hacking, ban them permanently.


Donate/ New Admin ways to become permanent.

  • Activity on game and forums+
  • Votes from "time to time" +
  • Spec from "time to time"+
  • Reports + 
  • Respect +
  • Get to know your team/clan members very well.+
  • Recruiting LS Members / promoting +++


Recruit must agree and say that you recruited them. (In turn, you will receive 500 AmmoPacks for each)



Lost Souls Management.

  • Great! 3
  • Awesome 2
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Updated role no 1 since transparent / invisible glow isn't available anymore.

On 11/7/2023 at 1:18 PM, OMAR said:

1) Admins are not allowed to use transparent/ invisible glow or set glow on normal players.

Update: 1) Admins are not allowed to set glow on normal players.

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  • 6 months later...


On 11/7/2023 at 9:18 PM, OMAR said:

8) Admins MUST wait atleast 2 rounds before making another special mode.

amx_vote mode? "yes" "no"

amx_vote "change map?" "yes" "no"

  • If result of vote for change map is YES, you must use gal_startvote at END of round. Otherwise people will lose ammo packs due to instant map change.

No. (Removed)


Admins can only add Nemesis in Nemesis Mode and Dragon Mode.

Added to )7.


• |  Gyro and Utopia | •

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Zombie Plague Admin Rules Updated. / 2024 - 07 - 01


* Edited No.5 [GRAB]

On 11/7/2023 at 9:18 PM, OMAR said:

5) Admins are not allowed to use amx commands on another Admins ( Slap / Slay / Kick / Grab / etc.)

* Added [NOTE] in No.7 

On 11/7/2023 at 9:18 PM, OMAR said:

) Admins MUST make a vote before starting mode, changing map or making a nemesis: do not make a vote every round!

NOTE : Only 1 Nemesis can be added in Nemesis / Nightcrawler / Dragon Mode !

Dont be disadvantaged by the edit rules.

ps, the rules can be edit in the future, so read them often.



@ZP TEAM @lfZpEDP.gifDonator

• |  Gyro and Utopia | •

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