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[ZE] Big Tournament !!

-L|S- Dream

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Hello members of Lost-Souls good day to all of you,I'm happy to announce that we are doing a Tournament in ZE in which u will be given 7 missions , First one to complete and send each one of the demo or screenshot as evidence or proof either to Me , JMX  Or Elevenn on our discord or post them here on this topic will win the Tournament.

Our Discords :

My discord : dream2146

JMX's discord : anis02

Elevenn's discord : elevennn_66205

This is how u record a demo : https://lsgamerz.net/topic/11291-how-to-record-a-demo-and-upload-it/


NOTE: Missions will only be counted when there are at least  18 players in server.Missions can be done in whichever order u like they can be random for all we care , just complete them.

.         MISSIONS:

1.Secure a win in any one of the following maps :

ze_ls_last_call  ze_ls_last_survivor ,ze_surf_sahok_ls

(Record Demo)

2.Kill 2 nemesis in one map.(Record Demo)

3.Win as a zombie in any two of the following maps:




(record demo)

4.Be the Top Damager 5 times , this only counts in ZE and ZM mode.(record a demo or take screenshot)

5.Complete both boss stages as Human in both maps: ze_moon_battle and ze_last_battle_b2 (record demo)

6.Secure a win while being a human in any 2 of the following maps :






(Take screenshot or Demo)

.            RULES

Don't Team up to complete a task.

VIPs cant get 1st they can get 2nd or 3rd.Unless their VIP is less than 7 days.

Killing a nemesis with a VIP gun won't count.


         .  REWARDS:

          Rewards for Top 1

            30daysVIP + 10kaps

              Rewards for Top 2

                10kaps or 30kxp

               (Player's choice)

              Rewards for Top 3

                  5kaps or 15kxp

                (Player's choice)

With this out of the way I want to thank @ Elevenn  and especially thank @ JMX@ Ahmeddd who helped me with the planning of this event.

Tournament will be continued for the next 7 days let's see who wins, haha Good luck to everyone. @ Member @ Registered User @ZE TEAM

~Regards, ZE management.






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This gonna be an interesting event. Can't wait to see this event on server.

Goodluck everyone!

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"Only you are outside of the natural laws of this world. Only you won God's favor and are living your life. I hate you. I want to kill you." - Kokushibo


Kokushibo GIF – Kokushibo – discover and share GIFs.gif

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14 minutes ago, -L|S- Dream said:

It's started lol go and complete missions


  • Haha 1

"Only you are outside of the natural laws of this world. Only you won God's favor and are living your life. I hate you. I want to kill you." - Kokushibo


Kokushibo GIF – Kokushibo – discover and share GIFs.gif

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7 hours ago, menily said:

ez how u @ lfZpEDP.gifTokYo

I can solo all of them but no time with my currect work and school schedule, I will let these kids win

  • Haha 1




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Hello Everyone , im happy to say that this tournament has come to an end , with that I will now announe the TOP 3 Players  

                                                                                        TOP 1 :

Coming in at Top 1 we have @ Razer  Rewards : VIP + 10kaps , Congrats bro 

Coming in at Top 2 we have @ coco pandan Who was originally tied for 1st place and final battle was a duel between the 2 Rewards : 30kxp or 15kaps

Comnig in at Top 3 we have @ Ghost Hunter Rewards : 15kxp or 5kaps


With this I wanted to express my gratitude towards  all the member and players who participated in this tournament , we will be doing more of these in the future,

congrats to all the winners for their awards!

~Regards , ZE management

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