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QuickDroLLL Coder Request/Application

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 Age: 17

 Work: No Correctly in Job/ i Study

• In-game Name: Godzilla

 Steam IDSTEAM_0:0:4202984

 Country: Algeria/Setif

 Steam Status: I have steam and cs 1.6 on it so you can contact me easily - https://steamcommunity.com/id/Mr_Doz/

 Timezone: timeanddate.com/time/zone/algeria - i post this site bcz its give full information about time/date etc

 Do you have any past experience as a Coder(You will be tested): Yes of course i have made alot of modes one of them is Elite-GaminG JailBreak mode and some ZE Modes

• How many hours can you be online per day: 4 hours on this days but maybe after i finish studying on 29 May it will be 10 hours a day so ..

 Why are you interested in being Coder: bcz its my hobby and i like to code for my self and other communitys

 How will you improve the servers: as i made this topic i will improve servers by coding and fixing erros and bugs or even making new whole plugins for the server

 You are able to program the servers (solve bugs, errors, hackers or issues): Yes of course Fixing bugs/Erros even issues its easier than mading the plugin it self

• What are your intentions as Coder: my intentions is helping this community to bee biger and biger and off course the main thing help community on fixing bugs/erros or making new plugins for the community like new things or new updates

• Why do you think you are a candidate for this position: well i want the best to this community to keap it on and iam aware that this position carries big resposibility so i will do my job as a coder and do my best

 Explain the role and responsibilities of a Coder: as a coder you should make the code clean/read able and add comments so who dont know how to code will understand the code easily

 What are the characteristics of a Coder: he is like other people but he only gained experince over the time so i dont have anything to say about the Coder

• For how long have you been coding: two years for now maybe more but two years for sure

Edited by QuickDroLLL
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  • Co-Owner
12 hours ago, InFiNiTyy said:

We do not accept coders any more for more than 1 years now... wait let me close this topic..

" However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at "
- Stephen Hawking

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