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[CSGO] Zombie Escape Rules


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  • Sovereign Sentinels

[CSGO] Zombie Escape Rules


1) Prohibited to use any type of external programs, in terms of hacks/scripts, etc. 

2) Prohibited to say any kind of insult, discrimination or threat towards any user/admin. (This could be sanctioned with a ban of 30 minutes, 1 or 2 hours if necessary.)

3) Prohibited to stay AFK. First you will be given a warning, in case you keep doing it you will be kicked.

4) Prohibited to play music or make noises through the mic that annoy the other players.

5) Prohibited to IMPERSONATE admins/staffs.

6) Prohibited the use of offensive names/nick.

7) Use English when using chat and voice commands. 

9) Spamming text or voice is not allowed. 

10) Advertisements are STRICTLY not allowed. 

11) Do not post any NSFW content.

12) Harassment, racism, and other forms of discrimination are STRICTLY prohibited.

13) Teaming of Zombies and Human are prohibited.

  • Great! 1
  • Awesome 6

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