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Not doing objectives.


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Hello everyone!

I'm just going to say this here since everyone has a problem with it.

IF YOU ARE A ZOMBIE** and you AREN'T doing your job, I'm going to enforce it to EVERYONE, not just one or two, EVERYONE.  If you have a problem with me enforcing the rules then please make a report on it.  Some of you think you can slack off as a zombie and not try at all but if I see that I'm going to do something about it.  I'm doing my job and there isn't anything wrong with that, other admins included.  I'm not the only one who does this; that being said if you have a problem with an admin slap/slay/kick or even banning (if it gets to that point) then make a report on it. 

Another thing is if you are a zombie your OBJECTIVE is to kill the humans not run around, fly around or stay AFK.  A lot of you tend to forget that or purposely do it because being a zombie is boring, but the game is literally called Zombie Plague not "Zombie AFK".  Stop complaining about admins doing their jobs, if you feel that it's just targetting you then post it but that's not usually the case.

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(L)ost Souls is actually lost lol, no guidance for admins especially donor admins.GG SA++

you need fix ur attitude, talking about rules when there is a rule “as an admin you are not superior to anyone babe” I see ur aggressive attitude here and there.

you need to breath and drink water, people break rule and you warn first not instant slapping people back to back slaying half of server, what you bringing is toxicity and dictator attitude which is no bueno. If you think what you did to Iceberg is “admin job” then you need to learn rules. Immaturity and Hot head will take you no where. 


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I'm sorry to say this but you are not doing your job right, I have seen you abuse multiple times and some time you AFK as well let me get into detail how I know all of this and how you became a abuser.

Detail number 1: Last time i was on the server and JA joined not even 20 minutes in the server as soon you see JA missing around with commands, you started to follow like you don't care in the world i told you to stop many many times witch you did stop, even though JA in the server missing around commands don't mean you have to do it, so if JA jumped off a cliff will you do it too? yes you would cause your dumb enough to do it.

Detail number 2: I have seen you slapped a player more than 3 times let me get you a reminder you can only slap 3 times THATS IT only 3 then slay (if there not trying) then kick (if there not trying at all) and if they join back and still not trying you can ban them for not trying (Only use the ban for last resort) that's how we admin do our job here not freely or do what ever you want, there's admin rules you should go and read them 100 more times until you get them right.

Thats all I have to say.

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I totally agree with @LS Skully. You should give 2 - 3 slaps at maximum , no more. Tell the player who is breaking that rule what he is doing wrong. It is not neccesary to give 2 slay, the steps are --> warn -> slap -> slay -> kick -> ban. Take a look at this topic and read it carefully, also read the admin rules. @KoLuVa`click that link --> https://lsgamerz.net/topic/12713-zp-reminder-for-donor-admins/ . If you still doing this believing you are doing your job you will get banned, so avoid to get banned and follow the rules.

@TokYoDon't talk if you don't know what are you talking about.

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58 minutes ago, LS Skully said:

I'm sorry to say this but you are not doing your job right, I have seen you abuse multiple times and some time you AFK as well let me get into detail how I know all of this and how you became a abuser.

Detail number 1: Last time i was on the server and JA joined not even 20 minutes in the server as soon you see JA missing around with commands, you started to follow like you don't care in the world i told you to stop many many times witch you did stop, even though JA in the server missing around commands don't mean you have to do it, so if JA jumped off a cliff will you do it too? yes you would cause your dumb enough to do it.

Detail number 2: I have seen you slapped a player more than 3 times let me get you a reminder you can only slap 3 times THATS IT only 3 then slay (if there not trying) then kick (if there not trying at all) and if they join back and still not trying you can ban them for not trying (Only use the ban for last resort) that's how we admin do our job here not freely or do what ever you want, there's admin rules you should go and read them 100 more times until you get them right.

Thats all I have to say.

I have been told it was 4 slaps, then slay then kick then ban; but I try avoiding kicking OR banning the players; but since you are telling me it is 3 then I will stick to 3, and yes I did do that when JA was in the server but I didn't do it to use it on other players, I was doing it only towards JA (but yes I know its against the rules to do that and it won't happen again).  But actually; respectfully I am doing my job correctly besides that situation with JA (which happened in 1 map and happened twice) I haven't done it since and I've been monitoring everything (not just people who aren't trying as zombies).  The reason why I slap players more than 3 times is because I really don't want to slay/kick/ban the player but if I really have to then I would, especially if there is a minimal amount of players in the server.  I am actually very lenient when it comes to using the mod menu to get players to do their objectives, I have been very active this month and besides that day JA came onto the server, I have been doing well thank you very much.

The only times I would AFK is if I am doing something and i'm not actually on my pc otherwise I'm in spec eating and monitoring or actually playing the game.  If you were on as much as I am you would see that I actually do, do my job CORRECTLY and efficiently; yes I do work and touch grass but this past month I have been on disability leave.

I'm hoping that you don't take any type of disrespect from anything I have said, but I do know how to do my job correctly and I take care of business when other admins aren't on.  I ALWAYS record whenever I join the server so I have proof of EVERY action I do.

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54 minutes ago, KoLuVa` said:

I have been told it was 4 slaps, then slay then kick then ban; but I try avoiding kicking OR banning the players; but since you are telling me it is 3 then I will stick to 3, and yes I did do that when JA was in the server but I didn't do it to use it on other players, I was doing it only towards JA (but yes I know its against the rules to do that and it won't happen again).  But actually; respectfully I am doing my job correctly besides that situation with JA (which happened in 1 map and happened twice) I haven't done it since and I've been monitoring everything (not just people who aren't trying as zombies).  The reason why I slap players more than 3 times is because I really don't want to slay/kick/ban the player but if I really have to then I would, especially if there is a minimal amount of players in the server.  I am actually very lenient when it comes to using the mod menu to get players to do their objectives, I have been very active this month and besides that day JA came onto the server, I have been doing well thank you very much.

The only times I would AFK is if I am doing something and i'm not actually on my pc otherwise I'm in spec eating and monitoring or actually playing the game.  If you were on as much as I am you would see that I actually do, do my job CORRECTLY and efficiently; yes I do work and touch grass but this past month I have been on disability leave.

I'm hoping that you don't take any type of disrespect from anything I have said, but I do know how to do my job correctly and I take care of business when other admins aren't on.  I ALWAYS record whenever I join the server so I have proof of EVERY action I do.

Who told you that you have to slap 4 times? No you do not have rights to use commands like that (yes, I know you only did it once "that's the only thing I saw" and only one map") no other that is uncalled for your bringing bad influents too our admins or players in the server by doing that, you can not I mean never use those commands unless you were told too or have permission otherwise that will call "abuse" I know JA is your friend and having fun but still you don't have rights to do it, Just to make myself clear It will bring consequences too your action's, just please do not even JA is doing it, 

I do understand and I get it and your doing your job good telling zombies to try or any rule breakers you see and I'm really glad that you are what I said in my first topic above. Try not to spam chat with warnings too much especially "amx_say red@" that's gets really annoying right after you press it bring a annoying voice after words and only 3 slaps-slay-ban <-(last resort), just be careful

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6 hours ago, InFiNiTyy said:

Don't talk if you don't know what are you talking about.

Nah I don’t talk to wannabe riders and try hards. Just trolling here

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5 hours ago, InFiNiTyy said:

Don't talk where you don't have right to talk, if you want troll , troll in another place, not here

Cry about it, it’s simple facts , the meat riding here is crazyyyyyy I recommend you GetaLife.com

kiddo doesn’t know it’s a topic everyone can give their opinion , you got ur SA position alllllll the wayyyyyy up in you mind taking it out?

Edited by TokYo




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 @TokYo @InFiNiTyywhy you two arguing over a topic, cmon lets not be childish here. Grow Up.

Kol is just trying to be a good admin as a donor and thats good, he might be abit hot headed bc of the report iceberg did on him but doesnt mean you should start getting onto him its just a rookie mistake to spam "slap" even as Admin i did that until i was told by Sakran to keep myself to doing 2-3 slaps max so lets just calm it down and not be toxic to each other over a normal topic. @KoLuVa` like i said keep urself to slapping players 2-3 times no more than that, after u can slay them but give them warnings for me i give a player a max of 2-3 slays before kicking them and after being kicked its one final slay and after is a ban, if there is any problems with players or anything report here or directly to me ill deal w it

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Any queries please pm me or message me on discord bk.#0001

ZP Server Assistance/ Demo Reviewer


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20 minutes ago, Violax said:

why you two arguing over a topic, cmon lets not be childish here. Grow Up.

No arguing babe, I literally give my opinion on simple thing that he is being aggressive, same Things skully said but shawty got too much ego like calma calma babe before I pay you visit 




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23 minutes ago, TokYo said:

No arguing babe, I literally give my opinion on simple thing that he is being aggressive, same Things skully said but shawty got too much ego like calma calma babe before I pay you visit 

alright just lets not argue and calm down 

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Any queries please pm me or message me on discord bk.#0001

ZP Server Assistance/ Demo Reviewer


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4 hours ago, TokYo said:

No arguing babe, I literally give my opinion on simple thing that he is being aggressive, same Things skully said but shawty got too much ego like calma calma babe before I pay you visit 

I don't get hot heated over anything and I'm not being aggressive at all towards anyone LOL but I am doing my job as an admin, I don't see anyone else doing their jobs and enforcing rules besides them finding people who are hyperscrolling.  That whole iceberg thing has been going on for a while and I just happened to catch him in the act doing so.  This isn't just about him though, it is about other players not doing objectives which is why I made this post.

Also, I forgot who told me it was max 4 slaps but It was someone on staff team who told me in game (but yes I am sticking to 3 now)

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